Monday, October 19, 2009

Tea Shirt Iconography

Guevara remains a beloved national hero to many in Cuba,
where his image adorns the $3 Cuban Peso and school children
begin each morning by pledging "We will be like Che."[183]

the above ending part made mee laugh for like 5 minutes, happily.
i dun really like government...mebbe u noticed, but lol...
how much more awesome is that than that dumb pledge of allegiance?
i think cuba is one of the better governments to exist in our hisstory,
but i am still displeased with government. like i said i dont like governments
or violence, but when judging the hisstory of violence
how u gonna laud columbus dickkkface
and act like che guevara
is a scary evil man?
or fucking...
malcolm x for that matter,
who wasn't very violent at all by political standards...
merely said "by any means necessary." like lookit,
no buddy in hisstory has been as violent
as ameriKKKa. so i don't necessarily
like this double standard of
praising our cruel founding fathers
and acting like any buddy else in hisstory
who was violent isn't worth a mention in the text-books.
what a cell fish fantasy. yo, andrew jackson was a terrorist
and if that motherfucker knocked on my door
i bee hiding under the bed.
motherfucker's on our $
how (in) appropriate.
jus sayin...i see this hisstory of violence
and take what i can get. lol...if u
kno anything about che guevara's
attitude towards life and how
he tore thru society like a comet...u wood
also smile at the idea of children pledging
"we will be like che."
that is awesome.

here's sum other good che guevara quotes since most of u know him as a tea shirt.

"Above all, always be capable
of feeling deeply any injustice
committed against anyone,
anywhere in the world.
This is the
most beautiful quality
in a revolutionary."[136]
(this was the last message
he left to his children)

"the true revolutionary is guided
by a great feeling of love"
and beckoning on
all revolutionaries to
"strive every day so that
this love of living humanity
will be transformed into acts
that serve as examples",
thus becoming
"a moving force".[97]
The genesis
for Guevara's assertions
relied on the fact that he
believed the example
of the Cuban Revolution was
"something spiritual that
would transcend all borders."[25]

"Those who kill their own children
and discriminate daily against them
because of the color of their skin;
those who let the murderers of blacks
remain free, protecting them, and
furthermore punishing
the black population
because they demand their
legitimate rights as free men
— how can those who do this
consider themselves
guardians of freedom?"[111]

Afterwards, Guevara commented
on both incidents stating that
"it is better to be killed
by a woman with a knife
than by a man with a gun",
while adding with a languid
wave of his cigar that
the explosion had "given
the whole thing more flavor."[112]

Later on the night of October 8,
Guevara, despite having his hands tied,
and being shot thru the right calf]
kicked Bolivian Officer Espinosa into the wall,
after the officer entered the schoolhouse in order
to snatch Guevara's pipe from his mouth
as a souvenir.[149]
In another instance of defiance,
Guevara spat in the face
of Bolivian Rear Admiral Urgateche
shortly before his execution.[149]

"The human element failed.
There is no will to fight,
the leaders are corrupt; in a word,
there was nothing to do."[133]
A few weeks later,
when writing the preface
to the diary he kept
during the Congo venture,
he began: "This is
the history of a failure."[134]

it's october, yo...this bee
as i said, i'm a pacifist
beecuz i wish to bee.
i am a mirror reflecting truth
and beauty indiscriminately
in a world of such pain...
i am not here to judge the violent,
in a history of politics
so gory any politician is guilty of murder.
as mlk said "the question is not
whether wee will bee extremists,
but what kind of extremist wee will bee."
Thanks to Polly, for da commentary and original quotes!

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